Therapeutic Massage/Bodywork
Each session is customized to meet the unique concerns, needs and goals of each individual. I may incorporate hands-on massage/bodywork techniques, energy-based approaches, visualization/meditation, body reading and communication strategies, and therapeutic yoga to unwind stress, tension, and trauma. Or the session can simply provide a balanced reset to your nervous system.
Polarity Therapy
This treatment is intended to restore a balanced distribution of the body’s energy by combining touch, exercise, nutrition and self-awareness. This unique treatment enables you to look at what you’re carrying as pain, stress and dis-ease. It’s an opportunity to access and unwind the origins of ingrained patterns. In addition to working with your body, you are supported with verbal communication and reflective listening.
Individual Anjali
Restorative Yoga
Anjali Restorative Yoga is nourishing and restful with an emphasis on meditative calm. It is a rich, healing practice both physically and emotionally. Postures are held for sustained periods of time by an intentional sequence and enhanced with passive stretching. You are supported by bolsters, pillows and blankets. The hallmark of this practice is that the restorative spaces are filled with incredible imagery and guided breathing techniques.
A 24-hour notice is required for cancellation of an appointment, or you will be charged 50% of the session fee for the appointment. If you miss your appointment without notifying me (no-call/no-show), you will be charged in full for the appointment and payment will be required in advance for all future appointments.
I also observe my cancellation policy; therefore, if I must cancel an appointment without offering 24-hour notice, you will receive 50% off your next appointment.
Appointment times are as scheduled and cannot extend beyond the stated time to accommodate late arrivals. Please be on time for your appointment.
Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious condition. If it is within the 24-hour notice period, the cancellation fee will be waived.
Sexual misconduct
Therapeutic massage and bodywork is not sexual in nature. Committing any form of sexual misconduct, including innuendo, gestures or comments of seductive or sexual intent, exposing oneself, communicating personal matters relating to sexual experiences, or any other words or behaviors that might be interpreted as sexual in nature will not be tolerated. Any act of sexual misconduct will result in immediate termination of the session, and you will not be allowed to schedule further sessions with me at any time.